Friday, February 22, 2008

Screwtape Letters 1-3

After reading the first 3 chapters of The Screwtape Letters I was very confused as to what was taking place.  I understand that Screwtape is writing letters to his nephew, Wormwood, and in the first 3 letters at least he is discussing one of Wormwood's patients.  He is discussing how the patient wants to become a Christian, and trying to point out all of the negative aspects of being a Christian.  In this sense, I understand that Screwtape is trying to sway people the concepts of Christian beliefs and Heaven and towards the devil and Hell.  The 3rd letter is probably the one that I relate to the most because Screwtape mentions the relationship between the patient and his mother.  It makes me think of the relationship between my own mother and I.  We really didn't have a good relationship until this past Christmas, and now it's getting to be quite a close relationship.  I had always been close to my dad, and after his death my mom and I grew even farther apart.  She moved on rather fast while I was still in denial of his death, and I would avoid her “new life” at all costs because she changed into a different person.   It took me until this past Christmas to point out to her that she had changed and for her to actually see that she had.  Ever since, our relationship has grown and is actually what a mother-daughter relationship should be.


charlene medina said...

I can relate to your post greatly! I feel like I can understand what it is that you are feeling. I always had a close relationship with my Father and lost it completely when he moved away to a different country for 6 years. That drew me closely to my mother very much, he recently came back and I have neglected my mother to the point where she feels unwanted due to all my complaining about her. Once I read the last letter it made me think of what i was doing wrong and encouraged me to apologize. Hope everything remains well between you and your mother!

bbeanerbbear said...

I relate to you about the book, chapter 3 and how your mother and you, somewhat. I used to be unappreciative towards my mother and we never got along as well. I see now I should actually see all the good things she has done for me, instead of all the wrongs. It makes me realize that I was selfish.