Friday, February 29, 2008

Screwtape Letters 4-7

Right away in letter 4, Screwtape references one of Wormwood's letters, and I think that it would be easier to understand Screwtape's letters if Wormwood's responses were also included in this book.  Screwtape's ideas of prayer are very intriguing.  When you think of prayer, and the reasons that most will deny participating is that prayer today has become more voiced and some may feel awkward if they do not follow the same prayer practices that those around them do.  I find it that when I need to seek God through prayer, I do it silently and usually when I am alone.  However, society today has become more voiced about their prayers and often will share their prayers within a group of fellow Christians.  Screwtape references they typical "bent knees and moving lips" prayers, yet then follows that by something that I find very true, the idea that one's bodily position makes no difference to their prayers.  I actually agree with this idea because I believe that no matter where you are, or what  you are doing, you should be able to seek out the Lord in prayer, and not have to stop to get on your knees and bow your head.  I believe that God hears your prayers the same no matter how you are praying.  I agree with how Screwtape says that Christians have become adapted to "sloppy prayer", however, I don't agree in the sense that just because we do not follow typical prayer posture we have sloppy prayers.  You can be in full meditation and in concentration with God yet be in a "sloppy" position.


Jacki said...

I fully agree and can relate to your form of prayer. I definitely pray more often when I am alone a lot of times laying in my bed oppossed to kneeling in church. When I am in church I pray, but I am not always in church when I want to talk to God. Therefore I pray wherever I am when I want to talk to God regardless of where I am or the way I am positioned. All in all I think it is a personal preference, and where ever you are more comfortable praying is a personal opinoin and it should stay that way.

Michelle Revea Swallow said...

I completely agree with what was stated. I am a person who is always shy and uncomforable praying out loud even if I'm by myself. Especially not if people are around me. I have a hard time just even saying something simple if someone asks me to pray before dinner like "Bless the hands that have prepared this food and please watch over us as we live our daily lives". I feel like when ever I pray with someone else around I am being judged as to how I pray. So I typically end up avoiding it all together or I "fake pray" and when I see most of the people around me done, then I just happen to be done praying and it's something that I want to change.