Friday, March 7, 2008

Screwtape Letters 8-11

Screwtape's 8th letter was my favorite that I've read so far.  I love how he is talking about the perception of God in a way that I comprehend.  I like how he talks about how God longs to completely fill us, yet does not expect to be filled in return; then goes on to discuss how evil wants nothing more but to be filled by us and will give us nothing in return.  This thought that God wants us to have everything and does not expect anything in return from us is one that I have believed my entire life.  The idea that God is there to love us and provide for us everything that we need, yet the only thing he wants in return is for us to love him.  I also like how Screwtape talks about temptation as almost a passageway for evil.  It's during these temptations that we tend to stray from God because we do not like to have to go through hard times.  It's during these hard times that we often loose our faith in God and make it easier for evil to enter into our thoughts.  Overall, I just found this letter of Screwtape's really interesting, especially knowing that Screwtape is speaking from the point of evil in his other letters and in this one he is almost glorifying God even if it's not his true intention.


Kayl said...

I too wrote on this particular letter, and found it to solidify my faith. How it just laid out on the line what the Devil is doing, in getting us through our temptations, in order to be his food. I enjoyed how Screwtape just said all that is done, and all the comparisons between the Devil and God.

Jacki said...

I completely agree, and this was also my favorite letter yet! It was so intersting to hear Screwtape, who hates God, talk so highly of him. I know Screwtape hates all of the aspects of God that he is describing, but in all actuality he is describing the things that I love about God! This letter makes me so proud to be a follower of God! The aspet of tempatation also hit very close to home to because it is often very hard to steer away from evil when it is presented in such an appealing manner.